Tag: Crohn’s Disease

Posted in Health

Upper GI radiological analysis to detect IBDs

No matter whether one aims to detect Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, when it comes to recommending differential diagnosis tests to detect IBD conditions, X-ray tests are crucial as they help doctors comprehensively examine the digestive tract and detect the diseased part without fail.

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Posted in Health

Best foods for Crohn’s disease patients

When it comes to dealing with digestive disorders one cannot achieve long-term results with strong and effective medications alone.

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Posted in Health

Psychological impacts of dealing with IBD

While the physical impacts of the debilitating gastrointestinal inflammation and the acute symptoms of IBD are often unbearable and life threatening, the psychological effects too are far from bearable.

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Posted in Health

Surprising causes of constipation

When it comes to diagnosing the causes of constipation, one might have several factors to mention. However, the common reasons among them include low fiber diets, ignoring the repeated urge to go, lack of exercises, or not drinking adequate amount of water.

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Posted in Health

Types of ulcerative colitis

With an unknown cause and a set of generic signs that hardly help detect inflammatory bowel disease, IBD diagnosis for both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis involve specialised tests that help detect the exact disease condition, its severity, as well as the affected area of the body.

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Posted in Medicine

Alcohol and inflammatory bowel disease

Alcohol can never be regarded as healthy and safe. However, situations gets worsen in cases of excessive drinking and prolonged alcoholism, as they might lead to chronic liver cirrhosis, neurological problems, and several other grave complications.

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