Is pi a rational or an irrational number?

π (Pi) is the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. In mathematics, it is the most widely used constant.

Is π a rational or an irrational?

Rational number

A real number that can be written in the form of p⁄q, where p and qare integers and q≠0.

Irrational number

A real number that cannot be written in the form of pq, where p and qare integers and q≠0


1. π is an irrational number because the value of π is an irrational number.


When π is first introduced in your earlier classes, the value is given as 3.14159, whose ratio is unknown. The most popular approximation is given in the form of a rational number, i.e. 227= 3.1428571428571 which is the closest to the actual value of π but not accurate.

2. π is an irrational number because it has a non-terminating and non-repeating decimal expansion.


The first few digits of π is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795……..

Did you know?

π is one among the famous irrational numbers (e,φ).

π is in a group of five super numbers (The Euler’s identity, eiπ + 1 = 0)

– Joys I

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Is pi a rational or an irrational number?

Author: akshara ontech