Herbal Treatments Can Help in Curing Psoriasis

Most of us experience skin problems at one point or the other in our life time which can generally be cured by taking the medicines. But there are certain skin disorders like psoriasis which is a long lasting disease and needs special medical attention to cure the condition. Psoriasis is generally considered as a genetic disorder and an auto immune disease where the skin cell replacement speeds up leading to accumulation of the abundant cells on the skin that are flaky, itchy and scaly leading to raised red plaques on the skin. Generally, skin cells mature in 28 to 30 days and shed from the skin surface while those suffering with psoriasis can notice this change happening in just 3 to 4 days’ time and the surplus skin cells pile up to cause red lesion elevation on the skin.

There are many types of psoriasis and the doctors carefully examine the skin condition and the symptoms to identify the type and start the treatment. Psoriasis on the scalp, genitals, hand & feet and nails are the most common areas attacked by psoriasis causing lots of irritation and discomfort to the patient. The general treatment for psoriasis followed by most of the doctors includes using conventional herbal and immunosuppressive drugs on a test and trial basis to check the response of the patient to the medicines. However, this treatment is not advisable in the long run as the body becomes resistant to topical corticosteroids and retinoids with no longer responding to the treatment.

But one need not lose their hope as they can now actually checkout with the Herose clinic, which is a pharmaceutical research center with vast experience in identifying the plant compounds that can effectively manage skin disorders to revitalize the immune system and treat autoimmune diseases like psoriasis with no side effects. The clinic comes up with unique herbal products that have been extensively researched and underwent clinical trials to treat psoriasis. Depending on the patient condition and early usage of immunosuppressants a patient can recover within 120 days’ time period. The patients initially experience immunosuppressant withdrawal symptoms and gradually respond to the herbal treatment offered by the clinic.

The clinic also offers treatment for eczema or atopic dermatitis, which results due to contact with allergens and the immunologic response of the skin results in chronic inflammation resulting in patches, plaques or papules with or without scales on the skin. The Herose clinic can treat these skin disorders quite effectively and you can contact the clinic for best treatment to get relief from the chronic skin disorders.

Best medical dermatologists in Singapore for all skin problems. At Herosepharma.com, we have an expert team to provide the best treatment for Eczema / Atopic Dermatitis, Microalbuminuria, Mouth Ulcer , Livedo reticularis and Psoriasis many more skin problems. For more details about Eczema treatment in Singapore, visit us.

