Cosmic water softener

Cosmic Natural Water Conditioner – Unique Combination of Water Structuring and Magnetic two in one innovative and latest Technology

Cosmic Water conditioner will reduce yours and your loved ones hair fall, dandruff, dry skin due to hard water problems, hair will be silky and smooth, Soap shampoo, detergent lather more, clothes will clean better and smooth, also it will protect your costly bathroom fittings, washing machine, water heaters and whole plumbing systems

It’s a PATENTED technology product will comes with 30 days money back guarantee and 5 years warranty, life of the equipment will be 25 to 30 years

For single tap application we have 1/2 inch 100Lph and 3/4 inch 100Lph, For whole house, appartments, industries and agriculture we have solution from 1inch pipe to 8 inches pipe, 100Lph to 100000Lph.


Cosmic water softener

Author: cosmic water softener