Cloud Server Vs Dedicated Server

If you’re not sure whether cloud servers or dedicated servers are the right choice for your business application, then we think this will help you.

Cloud Servers

Cloud servers are popular choice now a days for small and mid-sized businesses,, and why should not it be?. It is a great option for businesses that needs optimize IT performance and cost. Application is hosted on a shared “virtualized” environment managed by your cloud hosting provider. Since it is shared environment pricing is comparatively very economical than dedicated server.

With Cloud servers you only ever pay for the exact amount of server space used, on an hourly basis, and have the benefit of infinite flexibility. You can scale up or down resources and server specification depending on demand, meaning that you can avoid paying for idle infrastructure costs when demand is low. Cloud server is boon for the businesses where network traffic uncertain especially market segment like media, online shopping portals .

Dedicated servers

A dedicated server is a physical server that is purchased or rented entirely for your own business needs, making it a great solution for large businesses, those that for regulatory reasons require exceptionally high levels of data security, or organizations that have predictable demand necessitating all of their servers running 24/7/365. No scalability is the major concerns by business owners but this can be manageable. Dedicated server are found very useful where business application requires high performance.

There is much debate as to the value of dedicated servers in the new world of Cloud, the reality is that dedicated server are still require where ever there is a heavy applications which requires high performance and high I/O.

Avail the best managed dedicated server services in India at Cloudibn. Here you can get the server with most advanced and powerful configurations, which ensures your website to run smoother and faster. To avail our services, please feel free to contact us at any time.

