Asphalt Paving

Asphalt pavement is economical, safe, and visually appealing. A new asphalt pavement can be constructed quickly, allowing you to begin utilizing the area within just a few days. When your new pavement needs a repair or maintenance procedure, it will also be fast and economical, so there will be minimal disruption to traffic or your business operations. When properly installed and well-maintained, an asphalt pavement can have a useful life of 20 or 30 years, and some pavements have already lasted for more than 50 years without failing. The key to an asphalt pavement’s longevity and appearance is to select an experienced, trustworthy paving contractor.

Asphalt Paving | Houston, TX | Marathon Solutions – Call +1 800-879-1147 or fill out the request for proposal form you will find on our website.


Asphalt Paving

Author: Marathon Solutions Group