Reap The Benefits Of Certified Organic Alcohol

For getting a certified organic tag, a product must be grown, produced, processed and packed as per the standards outlined by the food ministry of the government of the respective countries. Generally, the government’s ministry of food and agriculture of each country certifies those products, organic that are grown and processed without the use of any chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, pesticides, hormones, herbicides or any GMOs. Few Pure grain alcohol producing companies adhere to some personal ideas demonstrating strong dedication towards the environment and their impact.

Availability Of The Product

Finding this alcohol product is difficult for the products of most of the alcohol brands are either not processed as per the standards of the ministry or not derived from organic products. In that case, those seeking especially for this alcohol may have to order it specifically or even contact directly with the manufacturer. One of the main reasons for its unavailability is its high cost as there is a big amount that has to be spent to follow all process set by the government to get the organic certification.

Importance And Uses In Daily Life

Certified organic alcohol is used for producing natural perfumes, homeopathic medicines, essential oil extraction, and tinctures, homeopathic and allopathic body care products, beverages, flower remedies (getting the flower essence in medicines that has a good healing power), fortification (preserving the wine for future use) and many more. Researches and test have proved that those consuming this alcohol product are less prone to the hangover effect compared to those taking alcohol containing chemical contents. It is also said to be more sustainable than the chemical contaminated alcohol. It contains some amount of ethyl alcohol that extracts the buzzy feeling often caused by alcohol consumption.

The Types Of Organic Alcohol With Certification
Among the 4 primary types of organic alcohol bearing the certification, you have Certified organic cane alcohol, Certified organic corn alcohol, Certified organic wheat alcohol, Certified organic grape alcohol. Certified organic cane alcohol is made from certified organic cane maintaining the utmost level of attention and quality adhering to the ethics of the environment containing ethyl alcohol that meets the strict standard of the food ministry of the government. Similar is the case for all the three certified organic products, where certified organic corn alcohol is derived from certified organically grown corn, certified organic wheat alcohol and certified organic grape alcohol from wheat and grape respectively grown organically i.e. without the use of any chemical substance.

Online Availability And Transaction

There are companies offering online purchase of the rarely found Pure grain alcohol. The shipping facility is also available for those making the purchase from far off places at an additional shipping charge. But the minimum amount available for online purchase has to be 1 gallon. Exportation facility is also available. The main motive of those companies producing organic alcohol that is certified is to offer its customers with this high-quality product at a reasonable price considering the effect of the excess use of chemical fertilizers on the environment for growing the base crop or essential oil extraction, which is also the main ingredient of the finished product. These online retailing companies have got customer services where you can place orders at the time of need or can lodge a complaint against any service you feel is inconvenient.

Extractohol is pure essential oil extraction, and is best for the highest quality Pure grain alcohol that helps extract maximum amount of material in the least possible time.

