Make the right choice with MBA in IT @ SCIT!

With your graduation degree nearing completion, the common question bothering all youngsters is regarding the choice of their post-graduation program. While the obvious choice for post-graduation is business management, the multitude of choices offered by business schools is sure to leave you confused. Gone are the days when pursuing MBA programs meant restricting yourself to general management studies. Today, you have business schools that offer an MBA in every specialization ranging from hospitality to information technology. From the many options available under the category of business management course Pune, you have to take time, weigh the pros and cons, and accordingly make the right choice.
From the many MBA programs, the MBA in IT is gradually emerging as a popular option. The reason for this popularity is simple. Information technology is growing at a frantic pace and so is the need of talented professionals. However, being talented but not having the required qualification in business management is useless. You need to have a degree to be able to prove your eligibility, don’t you?
Given this scenario, working professionals as well as fresh graduates are opting for an MBA in IT in order to be able to develop the required skill set to cash in on the opportunities. When it comes to opting for business schools offering MBA in IT, the obvious choice is Symbiosis institutes. Having established a legacy of providing world class education through business management programs, Symbiosis foray into the MBA in IT is through the Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology.
Unlike the regular MBA in Pune, the MBA in Symbiosis is all about teaching the students to become professionals. From the training module to the teaching techniques, every detail is worked out to ensure that the students are given the best possible academic training. This in turn ensures that students completing the program step out as thorough professionals that end up becoming assets for the corporate sector.
In addition to the training the MBA in IT at Symbiosis also lays equal emphasis on the importance of industry exposure. As part of this belief, SCIT sends its students for industry internships. Apart from the regular classroom teaching, this industry exposure is the best option when it comes to understanding the real time industry working scenario. Also, this industry training is an excellent platform for students to establish their primary contacts in the corporate sector.
Even the placement opportunities offered by SCIT are amongst the best in the industry. Year on year, the placement season sees some of the best companies come to campus and pick students from SCIT to be a part of their growth. SCIT also offers part time MBA programs for professionals. Conducted only on weekends, these programs are a convenient option for those who don’t have time to pursue daily classroom study options. Also, the weekend only program allows you to pursue your job as well as academic interest simultaneously. The advantage is that at the end of the program, you get experience as well as qualification. Amazing, isn’t it?


Author: scitcollege124804