How Likely Are You to Need Long Term Care?

How Likely Are You to Need Long Term Care?

A lot of people doubt that they would need long term care because they think that they are healthy enough to need it. This is why they do not plan for their retirement and their long term care insurance. However, statistics said that there is a 40% chance that seniors would need long term care.

Based on 2012 statistics, it is more likely that a person will need long term care by the time they reach 80 to 85 years old. It can also be said that there is a 44% chance that if you stay in a nursing home, it will only take you less than a year of stay and that there is only 25% chance that you will stay there for three years or more. Moreover, the possibility of a person to undergo long term care would be based on some key factors.

Family history is one of the key factors which can determine whether or not a person would need long term care. If your parents underwent long term care, there is a chance that you will too because there might be some similarities. This is because of the inheritance of their genes which makes it possible to inherit some health problems which can be passed down to generations.

Health and fitness is another factor. If a person has an illness or is not considered fit, there is a high chance that they will end up needing long term care. Bad health can cause a number of health problems which would surely need health care otherwise it would lead to death. Having good health and being fit can help in preventing diseases and also in delaying the need of care and lowering the chances of needing it.

Another key factor would be family situation. There are families who have internal conflicts which makes it stressful for the elderly. Stress can be one of the reasons why seniors have health complications such as heart problems. When situations they develop such conditions, they will more likely need long term care which can also help keep them away from their family stress.

Knowing the key factors together with statistics, it is possible to know what the chances of your needing long term care are. This can also help you in planning ahead for your long term care insurance so you will not worry about it in the instance that you will need it.

