Essent Law

Address: 6915 SW Macadam Ave #102B Portland Oregon 97219

Phone: 503-512-0501

Fax Number: (503) 200-1392

Essent Law is one of Oregon’s leading law firms, providing thoughtful and knowledgeable legal counsel for individuals desiring the upmost legal representation and small businesses and entrepreneurs with crucial aspects of their ventures. Founded in 2012, legal attorney Timothy LaBadie demonstrates trustworthiness with his clients as well as a deep understanding of the legal industry in several areas of practice. Our legal services include intellectual property, expungement, criminal defense, asset protection, company formation, trade secrets, contracts, privacy policies, employment, risk management, competitive intelligence research, consumer protection, and other business law and criminal law services. With Essent Law’s strong reputation and guidance, we can help you or your business navigate through any legal situation. Get your rights back Oregon – call Essent Law today at 503-512-0501 to schedule a free consultation!



Author: essentlawllc115