Eat Paleo diet food that caveman ancient people ate to live natural life

In ancient time people normally ate healthy food, due to that their life span was upto thousands years. In a research done by American paleo Association found that caveman people ate paleo diet food that contains fresh vegetables, fresh meat, fruits without oils, sugar, and not spicy. Due to that their life was of many years with no or less illness. We also recommend that to live long life. The American paleo Association is the largest organization in America, we have done a big research about what is the paleo diet or caveman diet. We found that mostly people do not know what healthy food is and how healthy food makes our body and organs strong, we are providing complete recommendation on our website. you can take advice and advantage of us always gives free consultancy for paloe diet food and caveman food, like what kind of food we should eat, and what caveman people ate. We should avoid much oily, spicy food, and sugar also, they are harmful to our body, paleo food basically contains fruits, green vegetables, meat, and all fresh and boiled food. Over the time our food have been oily spicy and full of sugar. Regular consumption of that food make harm to our body organs which is damaging our organs and digestion system, Hence we at The American paleo Association teaching people that paleo food or caveman diet food is better and healthy food, We all should consume only healthy food.

