How Cognitive Behavior Therapies Do Work?

CBT Sheffield is a private therapy based on the cognitive behavioral therapy. It is based on sound scientific principles which have been found through extensive researches of a wide range of personal problems of many individuals. This CBT is a very good way of approaching someone’s thoughts and feelings in a different way. If one is feeling low due to depression or anxiety or one is suffering from different kinds of phobias or panic attacks Behavior Therapies can help them to overcome it. It happens to many individuals that he or she is lacking the confidence to start a conversation. These sometimes make them depressed and lonely. With the help of the therapy one can easily overcome this kind of situations. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended Cognitive Behavior Therapy as one of the most affecting treatment for the issues like phobias, PTSD, social phobia, OCD, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem etc.

Understanding the phobias
A phobia is any kind of fear or anxiety disorder regarding an animal, object, situation and places. Phobias can be of simple types that is phobias related to flying high, enclosed spaces, heights, dentists, blood, needles, vomits, spiders or insects, death and dogs or they may be some deep rooted complex sort of fear or anxiety relating to any situation or circumstances like social phobia or agoraphobia etc. Almost all sorts of phobias can be treated and cured successfully by the behavioural therapies Sheffield in which the patient is generally exposed to the animal or object or situation of his or her fear by the process of desensitization or exposure therapy. 6 to 12 sessions of CBT are needed to work with the fear of the individual to overcome it.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD may develop due to some scary or life threatening situations such as natural disaster, domestic abuse, sexual or physical assault, life threatening accidents etc. One may have repeated nightmares of those incidents or feel hypersensitive to noises, smells or objects and results in angry outbursts. Trauma focused therapy can help one to reduce intense PTSD reactions and gives a safe and secure space to recover from those experiences of trauma. For PTSD 8 to 12 sessions of CBT are required.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a kind of anxiety disorder where one is characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. OCD causes the brain to get stuck on a particular thing throughout as for example washing hands until it is scrubbed raw or checking the stores a hundred times to ensure whether it is turned off or not. These are involuntary and uncontrollable thoughts that occur over and over again and again. Antidepressants are often used along with CBT, but CBT involves the treatment of OCD by the E-RP or Exposure and Response Prevention therapy, which involves in the r repeated exposure to the source of obsession.

Panic Disorders and panic attacks

Panic attacks develop abruptly and suddenly and reach its peak within 10 minutes. Panic attacks are mainly followed by shortness of breath, hyperventilation, heart palpitation, chest pain, trembling or shaking or choking, sweating, nausea or stomach upset, feeling dizzy, etc. CBT Sheffield is viewed as one of the most effective therapy regarding these kinds of anxiety disorder which mainly focuses on the thinking pattern and the behavior of the individuals which enhances these panic attacks. Once an individual learns that nothing disaster is going to happen the experience of these attacks becomes less terrifying.


Depression is nowadays very common phenomenon in most of the people, which lead to mood swings, anxiety, lack of ability to think or concentrate, feeling inappropriate or worthless and much more. CBT is most effective for depression, along with antidepressants. This is done by replacing unhelpful behaviors with new behaviors which eventually lead to a happy life.

How does it work?

With the extensive training and experience, behavioural therapies Sheffield tends to create an ideal situation and environment is created for the clients which help them to explore how he or she would rather be. They have fully qualified therapists, professional clinics, free telephone consultation, work to a code of ethics, registered with the British Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) and clients are totally confidential.

The key to overcoming alcohol addiction is by understanding the problem from the root. In this article, the eminent CBT expert, author of this article, discusses the basic steps of behavioural therapies Sheffield. He also talks about CBT Sheffield here.


Author: abbeytherapypracticecenter04